Getting Started


TT wordleHello! My name is TT, and this is a blog all about me. well, my life actually.

I am finishing up Elementary School and my teacher is Mrs.C .

Let me tell you about myself. I am very into technology, and music. I have a little sister named Tammy (so cute!) and I’m in Girl Scouts.

I love my kindle sooooooooo much and it’s the only mobile device i own right now. I do have a secret crush but no one will even know his nickname. (ha ha!)

I love playing Minecraft (i play pocket edition). Draw Something is cool too, and Temple Run. I also have kik.

When i grow up, i want to have a white hybrid SUV. I want to be an artist when i grow up, too. (i will probably post some pictures of artwork i’ve done.) Oh, and if you must know, i’m better with a pencil than a mouse. In other words; I draw better physically holding the pencil than clicking and dragging with a mouse.

Well, thats all for now! Rock on!!!!!